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Money Matter$

Insights from the Sommers Financial Management Team

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Should You Own Real Estate? Probably.

In the spirit of what’s not in SFM’s best interest, we are going to suggest you consider the idea of investing in rental real estate—from which we do not collect an advisory fee; and which may take a down payment from funds currently under our management. With the Federal Reserve Bank effectively printing $85 billion a month, and setting interest rates at zero, investors are being “forced into risk assets” like stocks & real estate. Don’t believe me? Check your local bank for CD rates on $100,000 for five years. Yep; 1.5%—if you’re lucky. There are three ways that your household finances can be improved by investing in rental real estate:

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My Facebook IPO Experience

I’ll admit it: I’m addicted to Facebook. When I heard that shares of stock would become available to the public this spring, I thought to myself, “I have to own a share of this company.” It seems most providers of other addictive items have stiff competition. Think coffee, soda, cigarettes, liquor, smartphones; each are offered by multiple brands. When I think of how to connect with friends far and near, there is only one place where everyone seems to be. For the simple reason that you won’t find me (or many others) on Google+ or MySpace, it appears there will be a lone survivor in the race for social network supremacy. If you’re not using Facebook, I fear society will force you to jump on the bandwagon, or (tragically?) be left behind

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Investment Allocation Commentary & Ramblings by Jan Z.

Adam always seems to be tweaking his investment method madness. Recently he decided to simplify his clients’ pie charts to only three slices (asset classes) to allow for increased opportunistic monetary benefits. Say what? Imagine you are a caterer. You provide a menu for a mid-summer event, and dessert is listed as BAKED PIE. How vague, right? How lame, right? Au contraire! At event time, you will choose the very best of the season. Fruits at their peak ripeness! Locavore pies! Wonderful, bursting-with-flavor summer pies! If tree fruits are not in season, then you will go with berries.

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Legacy-Building, Big Ideas

The 529 College-Savings Plan is a neat planning vehicle, but I want to highlight another legacy building idea: the Roth IRA for children. We have one business-owner client that has been able to contribute to their son’s Roth IRA since he was born (A young Roth IRA account owner can only contribute up to 100% of ‘earned income’, or $5,000, whichever is less). We are eager to see the value of his account at age 59.5, after which he can take TAX-FREE withdrawals.

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Focus on Fraud

Last month, the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) came out with their annual list of financial products and practices to which unsuspecting investors fall prey. At the risk of losing your interest, I’ll shed light on just a few. On the list, you’ll find various forms of Ponzi schemes.

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